Title: Sunrise [1/1] Pairing: BangHim Genre: Fluff Rating: PG just to be safe Summary: Streetlights are just starting to turn off as Himchan settles back into Yongguk’s arms, the elder male rocking them from side to side and humming some nameless tune
Title: Your own little star [1/1] Pairing: BangHim/Yongchan Rating: PG Genre: Fluff Summary: Himchan always wanted be an astronaut. He wanted to fly through the sky and catch a star.
Title: Missed a spot Pairing: BangHim (Bang Yong Guk/Kim Him Chan) Rating: PG Warnings: Some minor language Summary: Yongguk is convinced the make-up noona missed a spot on Himchan's face but the ulzzang can't see it
5 Signs he wants to be more than friends Chapter 2 Pairing: Junseung Rating: PG13 Genre: Fluff/Romance Summary: Hyunseung falls sick and loses track of time
Series: Classifieds Title: Office Junior Wanted Pairing: Junseung Genre: Fluff Rating: pg Summary: Set before 'Seung-sshi @ The office'. Junhyung, new to the city, is looking for a job. Who'd have known a handsome boy would startle him into finding the perfect one?
Series: Classifieds Title: Dog 4 Sale Pairing: Dooseob Other Characters: Hyunseung, Junhyung, Kikwang Genre: Fluff Rating: pg Summary: Yoseob decides to get a puppy but comes away with something else
Series: Classifieds Title: Seung-sshi @ The Coffee Bean Pairing: Junseung Other Characters: Yoseob, Kikwang Genre: Fluff Rating: pg Summary: The first in a new series of one shots. Hyunseung never believed Missed Connections adverts could work till he meets a dark eyed stranger in a coffee shop.